Plants in repurposed containers can make fabulous presents for loved ones and friends.
This article is part of the “Have a Sustainable Holiday Season” series presented by the Moscow Food Co-op’s owner-ran Sustainability Committee.
Reduce the number of presents exchanged by selecting fewer well thought out gifts.
If everyone has everything they need in your family, you could make the holidays a “give gifts to kids only” occasion
Everyone can agree to band together to buy each person one present that that actually want or need. Instead of 12 small inexpensive presents they get one larger or more expensive one. Does little sister need a working used car? Could Grandma use a new cattle feeder? Is Uncle’s washer broken? Does your friend need a swing set for their kids? Could your niece use a new camera?
Give the gift of your time by doing chores or other tasks for people. Does Aunt need her garden tilled? Does Grandpa’s truck need an oil change? Does your older neighbor need someone to shovel their drive? Can you make a custom oldies song mix for your Brother-in-law? Could you commit to zooming Great Aunt once a month?
Give the gift of food: local or handmade by you!
Buy local to support the community and reduce shipping footprint.
Give the gift of helping others to help themselves or preserving the environment.
Give livestock and community help at Heifer international
Plant a tree as a gift at the Arbor Day Foundation
Make donations to local charities in the recipient’s name. Here is a website listing Moscow, ID local nonprofits and charities.
Think recycled gifts
Give recycled, pre-loved, or pre-owned gifts from your home or thrift stores.
Make handmade gifts; this is especially effective for children and artist/crafters.
Sew custom masks using your family and friends favorite cartoon characters or colors. What about incorporating a scrap of fabric from a previously worn favorite t-shirt? More mask patterns and tutorials can be found here and here.
Give secondhand books.
Give gifts that help support artists, charities, or underserved communities.
Give gifts to help people be more sustainable or earth friendly: bicycles, water bottles, compost bins, garden supplies, bee houses, etc.
Penned by Susan F., PhD
Look for future editions of the “Have a Sustainable Holiday Season” series from Susan and the Sustainability Committee here!