Board Purpose, Bylaws, Policies — Moscow Food Co-op

Foundational Values

Governance of the Co-op is shaped by our identity as a cooperative and the values that define cooperatives. As noted by the International Co-operative Alliance, "Co-operatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, co-operative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others."

A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. The Moscow Food Co-op supports the International Co-operative Alliance’s 7 Cooperative Principles.

Our Ends

The Ends are a collective statement, featured here, that we as a store and community resource are committed to representing in both ideal and daily action. In the case of cooperatives, the Ends are grounded in the core values of the Co-op’s member-owners and compose the long-term vision for the difference that the Co-op aims to make in the lives of its owners. The Ends are a primary tool of the Board to translate owner interests into clear direction for Co-op staff.


With the bylaws as the foundation, the Board represents our owners' interests largely by creating policies for the store and monitoring for compliance. These policies help put our values into practice and achieve our goals.

The policies shape broad-level goals in areas such as sustainability, product standards, and customer service. The Board does not use policy to determine specifics, such as which brands of milk we sell. The policies shape the specific decisions made by staff, such as what is put on the shelves.

The Board monitors for compliance with policy. Many policies place their expectations upon the General Manager, and so it is through the GM’s accountability to the Board that the Co-op ensures the organization is on track or is prompted to adjust.


Our Co-op's bylaws identify the basic rights and responsibilities for owners and Board members. They provide general rules for governance of the Co-op. These bylaws were adopted on April 16, 2017.



Contact the Board's Administrative Assistant at
You may also reach the Board directly at