This article is part of the “Have a Sustainable Holiday Season” series presented by the Moscow Food Co-op’s owner-ran Sustainability Committee.
If you decorate with lights, try to switch to LED lights which can cut energy consumption by 90% compared to traditional holiday lights.
Instead of discarding old decorations, keep your holiday bulbs and garlands from year to year. Don’t rush out to buy new ornaments and tinsel. It may help to consider them heirloom decorations.
Make homemade paper chains with recycled paper from magazines or newspapers.
Make papier mache holiday baubles with reused paper.
Decorate with found or grown natural objects like pinecones, gourds, and grass bundles. Or use recycled items to make decorations.
Make pinecone ornaments or other pinecones decorations; these are also good gifts.
Penned by Susan F., PhD
Look for future editions of the “Have a Sustainable Holiday Season” series from Susan and the Sustainability Committee here!