Apparently, that rodent was spot on, winter is not going away! But, that’s okay as there are other activities to engage with, like the Monthly ArtWalk gatherings at various Moscow local businesses, including the Co-op, and the Moscow Food Co-op Board Meetings! The March Board meeting was held Tuesday, March 7 at the Latah County Fairgrounds. The meeting was a hybrid of in-person and Zoom participation and included Board members and Co-op staff. The Board reviewed Melinda’s monitoring reports for the B1 and B2 policies which pertain to fiscal conditions, activities, planning, and budgeting. The reports covered 4th quarter financial data as well as end-of-year data for 2022. The numbers were very encouraging and showed a strong rebound from the COVID months, especially for prepared foods and bakery sales, and the campus store. Also very encouraging was the 2023 store Work Plan developed as a collaborative effort between Co-op management and staff. The Board also reviewed policies pertaining to its relationship with Management over the past 12 months. Our new discussion-based approach to monitoring Board policies appears to be doing what was intended by promoting greater understanding of the policies that govern us, which is very encouraging.
As part of the Board’s new Study and Engagement series, at the beginning of our meeting, the Board heard from Colin Mannex from the Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre, in downtown Moscow. Colin described the challenges and successes, as well as lessons learned in keeping theater seats filled in a local venue. However, the Kenworthy’s unique historic presence and its mission in presenting community performing arts as well as a broad array of cinematic art situate it as a real local gem in our community. The Kenworthy is currently one of the Moscow Food Co-op’s participants in the Change for Good program, so bring your own bags when you shop the Co-op and ask that your tokens go toward supporting the Kenworthy! If you are interested in more information about the Kenworthy as well as upcoming performances, check out their website at
In April, the Board will be seating three new Board members and will be hearing monitoring reports for our overall Ends (vision) policy as well as reports regarding the Board’s governance commitment and style. The 2023 Board elections close 8:00 pm PDT on March 19th, so be sure to vote! The next Board meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2023, in the Classroom at the Latah County Fairgrounds Events Center (1012 Harold Ave). The meeting will begin at 6:00 pm. Current Co-op Owners can attend in person or via Zoom. If wanting to attend via Zoom, contact the Board's Administrative Assistant at for more information and to RSVP.
Please email any questions to Further information about our Board meetings can be found at
Mark Thorne, Board Chair