I hope everyone is having a nice holiday season and staying warm and dry as winter approaches!
This month’s Moscow Food Co-op Board of Directors meeting was held on December 5 th at the 1912 Center from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Present were eight of nine Board members, our General Manager and Co-op staff, and two Co-op owners via Zoom. The agenda was very full, but we got through everything in good order. The Board reviewed the General Manager’s third-quarter monitoring report for the B1 fiscal policies. All reports were encouraging and accepted in compliance with their respective sub-policy. Sales and net income were both up from third-quarter 2022 with prepared foods and the bakery leading the way. This again is great news and shows a continued rebound from the tussle we had with COVID.
The Board also monitored its C9 policy regarding elections and appointments. The monitoring report for C9 was accepted in compliance and was approved by a 7 to 1 vote. However, the Board engaged in a healthy discussion regarding the appointment process. Interpretations of the policy language were considered, and it was determined that a review of the policy may be needed. Overall, our discussion-centered policy review method is doing its intended job as it brought issues to light from which we can learn and improve as a Board.
The Board also reviewed the entirety of outcomes from all monitoring reports submitted by the General Manager over the past year. This was helpful and encouraging for the Board because it provided a big-picture look at the health of the Co-op, and it showed that the Co-op staff and management are awesome!
For our Study and Engagement Series, Sandra Kelly gave a heartwarming talk about the Alternative Giving Market of the Palouse (AGMP). The AGMP was started in 2009 to support local non-profit organizations and has been doing a great service to the community ever since. The organization is dedicated to helping raise money for a wide range of non-profits that focus on feeding, sheltering, protecting, educating, and nurturing people, and caring for other animals and pets as well as the land. The next Giving Market is scheduled for December 12th from 4:00 to 8:00 pm at the Latah County Fairgrounds. You can find more information and purchase holiday cards online at https://www.agmpalouse.org Our Study and Engagement Series is a way in which the Board and staff become better informed about issues and activities that affect our community. One of the Seven Cooperative Principles states that we have “Concern for Community,” and listening to people describe aspects of concern in our community is directly tied to our Ends.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for January 9, 2024, in the Fiske Room at the 1912 Center (412 E 3rd St, Moscow, ID). The meeting will run from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Current Co-op Owners an attend in person or via Zoom. To attend via Zoom, contact the Board’s Administrative Assistant at boardadmin@moscowfood.coop for more information and to RSVP.
Further information about our Board meetings is at https://www.moscowfood.coop/board-meetings
Mark Thorne, Board President
Moscow Food Co-op Ends Policy
The Moscow Food Co-op is at the heart of a thriving, healthy, and inclusive community where:
1. We embody and embrace cooperative principles and values.
2. All community members have local access to environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and healthful choices.