Tim Gresback, a local lawyer and former President of the Idaho State Bar Association, spoke to the Moscow Food Co-op Board of Directors about Access to Justice Idaho. Access to Justice raises funds for Idaho Legal Aid Services, the Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program, and DisAbility Rights Idaho. For decades, these three legal groups have been serving low-income Idahoans who need help with custody cases, eviction, guardianship, long-term care issues, family law, domestic and elder abuse, debt defense, and other cases.
Idaho lawyers and University of Idaho law students do “pro bono” work where they freely donate their time and expertise to clients in need. Access to Justice Idaho helps cover “hidden” out-of-pocket costs such as malpractice insurance, administrative expenses, court costs, and filing fees.
Access to Justice is one of the Co-op’s beneficiaries as part of the Change for Good program. Every time you use a reusable tote bag, coffee mug, bulk container, produce bag, or EcoToGo box, a token gets awarded to the featured Change for Good nonprofit of your choice. When you choose to designate your token to Access to Justice, the group receives funds that it can then distribute to the above-mentioned legal groups.
We are fortunate to have highly educated, compassionate lawyers in the state who want to ensure that everyone has access to legal help regardless of their ability to pay. If you would like to know more, or would like to donate to the program directly, please visit isb.idaho.gov/ilf/accesstojustice
Trish Hartzell
Board of Directors
Moscow Food Co-op