Priscilla Schmidt

After becoming a parent, I started thinking more about what products I was buying and what impact they would have on my children’s current and future wellbeing. I wanted to purchase goods from companies that did not exploit workers but paid them their fair wages and treated them with dignity. I started buying more organic and local foods because I read research on the harm added chemicals can have on growing bodies.These were some of the issues that prompted me to seek out and join the Moscow Food Co-op when I moved back to Pullman in 2013. 

As I learned about the positive impact the Co-op has on the community, I wanted to get more involved. I became a participating owner in 2015 and am currently on the Co-op’s Board-Owner Communication Committee (BOCC). I am looking forward to serving you on the Board of Directors and to help the Co-op further its positive impact on the community and our local food industries.