
Pumpkin Decorating


Instead of carving your pumpkins the traditional way this year, try your hand at drilling holes to make your design. If you fill your pumpkins with battery-operated white string lights you can poke some of the lights through the holes- adding some extra twinkle. To decorate your pumpkins you will need:

-several pumpkins or squash in varying shapes and sizes -a knife -a metal spoon -a drill and drill bits in varying sizes

Cut a hole in the top or bottom of the pumpkin and scoop out the flesh and seeds, reserving seeds for roasting if you like. With a pencil draw your design directly on your pumpkin. Use drill to make holes in the shape of your design. Place string lights inside.

Cold Relief Tea


The leaves are changing, the days are getting shorter and the sniffles are imminent. This steamy drink is full of goodies that'll help knock those cold symptoms out- pow! It's made with fresh ginger, fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper and honey. Ginger is antiviral, anti-inflammatory and aids in digestion. Lemon is a great source of vitamin C, is antiseptic and is a great source of calcium. Honey is antibacterial, antioxidant and antiviral. And cayenne pepper is anti-inflammatory and aids in nutrient absorption.

To make this tea, boil 1 cup of water, 1/4 teaspoon fresh grated ginger, 1 tablespoon honey, the juice from a half a lemon and 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper in a small pot over high heat. Bring to boil and heat for five minutes. Strain mixture through a fine sieve and drink while piping hot. Put on your comfiest socks and jammies and get to healing!
