
How To: Make Apple Cider Vinegar


If you have an over-abundance of apples, or peels and cores, then why not make your own apple cider vinegar? Sure, it's easy enough to pick up on any grocery trip, but with some apple scraps, water and jar you can make your own! Apple cider vinegar is good for a whole host of things like cleaning, removing dandruff, clearing your skin and aiding your digestive health. So while you're making those pies this fall or wondering what to do with the apples on your tree, save the extras and make your own vinegar!


To make apple cider vinegar you will need: •organic apple scraps, peels or cores (or all three) •a large jar or jars depending on how much vinegar you're making •a cloth to keep out bugs and debris


Wash apples and allow apple scraps to brown at room temperature. If you have whole apples, cut them into slices first. Place them in a jar and cover with water. Place a cloth or rag on top and store in a warm, dark place like a hot water closet. Let the jar stand for 6 months, stirring once a week. At the end of six months you will notice a grey scum on the top of the mixture. Pour the contents through a fine sieve into another jar. Place cloth on top and store for another four weeks. Store vinegar in a covered jar in the refrigerator to preserve freshness.