
Grill Guide: Bratwurst


Step up your grilling game with some of the Co-op's own bratwurst! The Co-op is proud to offer a variety of bratwurst and sausages made in-house from ground whole-muscle pork shoulder. They are seasoned with natural and organic spices and are encased in natural hog casing.

It’s best to cook bratwurst or other sausages at a lower temperature, over indirect heat for 20-25 minutes. Enjoy with spicy mustard, buns made fresh by the Co-op bakery, sauerkraut and one of the Co-op’s many craft beers. For beer suggestions click here and here!

Kids in the Kitchen: Red, White and Blueberry Parfaits


Celebrate this grand ol' nation of ours with this simple and delicious recipe that is really easy for kids to assemble. Berries, granola and yogurt are a healthy and filling snack for the whole family and this patriotic version can't be beat. You'll be humming the national anthem all the way to the bottom of the glass! To make the parfaits you will need: Greek yogurt (we used honey sweetened) raspberries blueberries your favorite granola Starting with yogurt on the bottom, layer ingredients however you like until you reach the top of your glass. Enjoy!