
Meet the Makers: Orchard Farm Soap


Kate Jaeckel really likes hanging out with her kids. So much so that she started Orchard Farm Soap in 2002 as a way to both fulfill her love of being around her family and her belief in herbal medicine and natural skincare. Her background in massage therapy has given way to a beautiful product line that is free of synthetics and fragrance oils.


.  She began selling her soap at the Moscow Farmers Market in 2003 after realizing she needed a product that had a longer shelf-life than the homegrown produce she was already selling. She still sells at the Saturday market in Moscow and says, "The market has always been a cornerstone for my business. It's our connection to the community." She had a studio built in 2009 so that she'd have more room to fulfill all the orders she was receiving. Since then, her business has picked up and she has several more outlets for selling her line. Other than buying Orchard Farm products at the Co-op, you can also find Kate on Etsy and at Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago. At the Co-op we're proud to carry Kate's products because of her dedication and commitment to her product standards. She's extremely aware of issues with palm oil and deforestation and sources a more sustainable product that is in line with her mission.


The other aspect of Orchard Farm's products that we love is that Kate grows many of the botanicals in her soaps, lotions and candles. That's right she grows her own calendula, rose hips, St. John's Wort, lavender and more on her farm... and we think that's pretty cool. For more information on Orchard Farm soap visit and be sure to stop by the Saturday Farmers Market and say hello to Kate.