
Please, come in. We're open!


Welcome to the Beet Box: a blog from the Moscow Food Co-op! This online outlet will allow us to share recipes, news in the sustainable food and environment movements and help for readers looking to find their rhythm through greener living at the Co-op. You can expect to find featured posts like "Feel Good Mondays", "Appy Hour", "Let's Toast" and "Beet Read". These features will focus on products from the Wellness Department, appetizer recipes, drink recipes and book reviews from the Co-op's own Good Food Book Club. Aside from these posts we'll bring you fun infographics, how-tos and nifty craft ideas.

We look forward to hearing from you about products you love, recipe successes and news that is important to you. So, kick up your feet, get a mug of your favorite hot beverage and stay awhile.