Meet the Candidates
Dear Co-op owners,
We are pleased to present the candidates for this year's Moscow Food Co-op Board of Director annual election. The Board of Directors’ work is both fiduciary and collaborative and is vital to the well-being of the Co-op. Having qualified Directors who work together for the good of the Co-op is critical for the Co-op to meet the needs of our Co-op Owners and our community. When you vote in this election, you are engaging in the second of the Seven Cooperative Principles: Democratic Member Control. This principle is basic and essential as cooperatives are democratic-controlled member-owned organizations. Casting a vote to decide who guides the future of the Moscow Food Co-op is truly a powerful act. Thank you for your participation!
Yours in cooperation,
The Communications and Elections Committee
How to Vote On-line
When voting begins, all owners who have an email address on file will receive an email with a link to the electronic ballot. If you do not have an email address attached to your Co-op ownership, you can access your ballot online at after the election period opens on Tuesday, March 4.
To log in to vote, you will be prompted to enter the first four letters of the last name on the ownership, and the first four digits of the phone number on record. Voting privileges are extended to the primary ownership account holder, in line with the "One Owner, One Vote" cooperative principle. All owners are welcome to vote, even if you do not have an email address. Please contact us at the phone number listed below for more information.
The election runs from March 4 - 17.
Results will be announced Tuesday, March 18.
How To Submit Your Vote
Vote for candidates: If you want to support both candidates, mark your choices next to the name of both candidates. If you prefer to vote for only one candidate, mark your choice next to the name of the candidate you want to support.
Abstain your vote: If you choose not to vote for either candidate, you can abstain by marking abstain.
Questions? Email us at
Need Computer Access?
Do you know someone without access to a computer? Email us at, or give us a call at (208) 882-8537 ext. 222 to set an appointment to cast your vote at the Co-op. All active owners (even those without an email address) have credentials and ability to cast their vote and can call us to get their credentials at (208) 882-8537 ext. 222.
We are happy to provide access for you to cast your vote or answer any questions you may have!