Mushroom and Squash Farrotto


Mushroom and Squash Farrotto

For the squash:
1 acorn squash
1 tablespoon butter
Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 425°F. Trim the top and bottom off the squash, and cut in half. Scoop and discard the pulp and seeds. 
  2. Lay on a baking sheet, cut side up. Add butter to the center, sprinkle with salt and pepper, then bake until fork tender. 
  3. Scoop out the flesh (with the melted butter) into a blender, and blend on high until smooth. Use some water or stock if necessary.

For the Farrotto:
2½ quarts mushroom stock
2 cups of farro
4 tablespoons butter
1 onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, slivered
1 bunch of kale, destemmed and chopped
1 cup fresh grated Parmesan
¼ cup canola oil


  1. In one saucepan, bring the stock to a simmer. Keep hot.
  2. In a separate saucepan, add enough canola oil to cover the bottom and warm over high heat.
  3. Once the oil is hot, add the farro and toast until golden. Transfer to a bowl and set aside. Lower heat to medium-high.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of butter, then add the onions and cook until translucent. Add the garlic and cook until soft. Add a pinch of salt and stir. Add the farro back to the pan and drop the heat to medium.
  5. Ladle in about 1/2 cup of the hot stock into the farro, then stir until the liquid is absorbed. Continue to add one ladle of hot stock in at time, stirring until the liquid is completely absorbed. The farro will slowly expand and become creamy in texture like risotto.
  6. Once the stock is depleted, turn off the heat, and add the squash puree. Mix thoroughly, then add the kale and mix again.
  7. Add the butter and Parmesan, then season with salt to taste. 

For the mushroom garnish:
You can use any type of mushrooms for this part: cut them into large pieces. Add a knob of butter to a hot saucepan, then toss in the mushrooms. The moisture from crowded mushrooms will prevent a good browning, so work in batches if you need to. Once the mushrooms have released some liquid, add a pinch of salt. Toss toss, taste. 

To assemble:
Top farrotto with cooked mushrooms, more grated Parmesan, and chives or green onions. 

Chef Gretchen's Triple Lentil Bites

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Triple Lentil Bites

1 ½ cup raw lentils
Place raw lentils in a glass jar with enough water to cover, and cover the jar with a kitchen towel. Soak the lentils overnight, then rinse and drain. 
Store the lentils in a warm place, and repeat rinsing and draining twice daily until they sprout (about three days.)

3 cups cooked red lentils (about 1½ cup uncooked)
½ cup tomato paste
2 tbs. minced jalapenos
3 tbs. lemon juice
¾ cup water
¼ cup coconut oil
¼ cup olive oil
2 tsp. ground coriander
1 tbs. ginger, minced
4 tsp. garlic, minced
1 ½ tsp. cumin
1 ½ tsp. garam masala
½ tsp. turmeric
1 ½ tsp. salt
1 cup cilantro, minced
½ cup green onion, minced
Add coconut oil and olive oil to a saucepan and slowly add each spice. Saute spices until they are fragrant, about three minutes. 
In a food processor, combine the spice blend with tomato paste, minced jalapeños, cooked red lentils, lemon juice and water. Blend until smooth. Add the cilantro and onions and pulse until well incorporated.  

1 cup lentil flour
1 cup garbanzo flour
2 cups water
½ cup melted coconut oil
2 tsp. salt, generous pinch of pepper
¼ cup toasted, unsweetened, fine shred coconut
2 tsp. curry powder
½ tsp. coriander
¼ cup minced cilantro
2 tsp. lime juice
Whisk all ingredients together until smooth. Let the mixture rest for at least 30 minutes, or up to overnight in the fridge. If you decide to leave it in the fridge, it will develop a sourdough characteristic!
To cook, heat two tablespoons of olive oil in a non-stick skillet, and drop batter in as you would a pancake. (These can be as big or small as you’d like!) Fry until golden brown, then flip. Cut into wedges if desired.

1 cup coconut yogurt
½ tbs. Lime juice
1 tbs. coconut milk
Whisk ingredients together, adding more lime juice or coconut milk as necessary until similar to sour cream.

To assemble, top each piece of socca with a dollop of lentil dip and a sprinkle of sprouted lentils. We finished each bite with  drizzle of coconut crema, and topped it all off with a sprig of cilantro.

Serves 4-6 as a light appetizer or 8-10 as passed bites as pictured here.