Green Goddess Avocado Toast


A delicious breakfast or lunch, avocado toast can become a staple of your quick-and-easy weekday meals.

This particular avocado toast is rich, savory and full of healthy fats and protein to keep you full throughout the day.





    • 2 slices of toast (your choice! We recommend the Co-op's Multigrain.)
    • One medium-sized avocado
    • One egg (cooked however you like - we went for sunny-side-up)
    • Green Goddess Tahini dressing (recipe below)
    • Red onion and cilantro for garnish
    • Lemon juice

    Spread the Green Goddess Tahini evenly on a slice of warm toast. Top with diced avocado and red onion. Cook your egg however you like, and slide it on to the toast for an extra kick of quality protein and B2. Fresh cilantro will make a perfectly well-rounded garnish (it goes wonderfully with the Green Goddess Tahini,) and a sprinkle of lemon juice will keep your avocado from oxidizing. 

    Green Goddess Tahini

    This dressing will thicken in the fridge, so don't be afraid of over-thinning it. 

    • 1 cup tahini
    • The juice of two lemons
    • 1/4 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
    • 1 clove of garlic
    • 1/2 cup basil leaves, rough chopped
    • 1/2 cup parsley leaves
    • 1/2 cup chives, rough chopped
    • 1/4 cup of radish greens
    • Water
    • A big pinch of salt

    Blend* all the ingredients together in a food processor or blender until herbs and garlic are finely chopped. Slowly drizzle in water until your dressing reaches your desired consistency! Store in a jar or other air-tight container for up to one week. 

    *You can also chop the ingredients finely by hand, and mix in the tahini and water to blend the dressing.


    Cherimoya: The Greatest Fruit on the Planet? Probably.


    “We had an abundance of fruit in Honolulu, of course. Oranges, pine-apples, bananas, strawberries, lemons, limes, mangoes, guavas, melons, and a rare and curious luxury called the cherimoya, which is deliciousness itself.” 

    (Mark Twain, Roughing It, 1872)

    Creamy, sweet and smooth, cherimoya has been called by Purdue University "certainly the most esteemed of the fruits..." and we're inclined to agree. We love this fruit.

    Here's why:

    1. You can eat them raw: Easily broken or cut to expose the pleasant fragrance and delicious, custard-like fruit, they're usually eaten like an avocado: scooped out with a spoon, or cut in half lengthwise and peeled. This is our favorite way to consume all the interesting fruit that comes through the Co-op! Cherimoya fruit is creamy like a banana, but with a subtle flavor reminiscent of vanilla and pears. Some people taste pineapple or mango or even bubblegum, and ours at the Moscow Food Co-op are rather sweet and smooth.
    2. Actually, you can eat them in a ton of different ways. Thick dark seeds pop up throughout the flesh of this unique fruit, so be sure to cut your pieces into cubes before adding them to your favorite smoothie recipes. The cherimoya will add a delightfully creamy texture and sweet flavor to any smoothie or morning drink, and can easily replace bananas for unique new variety. Cherimoya can also be cut into cubes, pureed, and used as a mousse or pie filling. 
    3. Cherimoya seeds have interesting medicinal uses, and are toxic if crushed! Cherimoya seeds, if kept dry, will remain viable for several years. The seeds can be toasted, peeled and pulverized... the powder taken with water or milk can be used as a potent emetic and cathartic. Mixed with grease, the powder from the seeds is used to kill lice and is applied on parasitic skin disorders. Yikes! We'll stick to just eating the fruit. :-)
    4. With zero saturated fat, cherimoyas are cholesterol-free, high in fiber, iron, and niacin, and contain powerful cytotoxins that are said to combat cancer, malaria, and human parasites. They're high in vitamin C, a natural antioxidant that helps the body resist infection, as well as a good source of B vitamins, notably vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which provides 20 percent of the daily recommended value.

    Come down to the Moscow Food Co-op and grab one of these delicious beauties today!