
The Beet Box is One!


A year ago we set out on this journey to create a blog for our Co-op. We wanted to share recipes, tips for living a greener life, recommend books and teach you about our local producers- the lifeline of our community. Whether you've followed along from the beginning or are just finding us now, thank you! We appreciate the feedback we've gotten, we love hearing when you make something from our blog and we hope to continue doing so. Please let us know what things you'd like to see featured here as this project belongs just as much our community as it does our store. And now on to stuff our mouths with (organic) cupcakes...

Here are a few favorites from the past year:


Clockwise from the top left: Heirloom Tomato Flatbread Coconut Flour Pancakes Meet the Makers: Orchard Farm Soaps Easy Fridge Pickles

What's been your favorite post from the Beet Box?

Chai Spice Mix


While "chai" actually means tea, we're used to a blend of spices, often brewed with milk, referred to as masala chai.  Some of the chai mixes you find in the grocery store can be loaded with extra sugar and ingredients you can't pronounce, but making your own spice blend and sweetening it with honey, agave or maple syrup is easy! You can omit any of the flavors you don't prefer, but here are our recommendations for a familiar blend of spices:

The flavor most prominent in chai is green cardamom. Still in their pods, the flavor is smoky and spicy. We also recommend fennel seed, whole cloves, fresh ginger or ginger powder if that's what's available to you, whole coriander, peppercorns, star anise and whole cinnamon sticks. Our bulk section has all of these items available and it's a much less expensive way to buy spices than from the  baking aisle.


To brew your own masala chai at home you will need:

3/4 cup water 2-4 whole green cardamom pods, smashed 1-2 thin slices fresh ginger or 1/2 teaspoon powdered 1 1-inch cinnamon stick 1 piece star anise 4-5 peppercorns 1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds 4-5 whole cloves 3/4 cup milk (or milk alternative) 1 1/2 teaspoons loose black tea leaves

In a small saucepan, combine everything except the milk and tea. Bring the mixture to a boil then lower the heat and simmer for a few minutes until the mixture is fragrant. Add the milk and tea leaves, and simmer for another minute then turn off the heat and let steep for 2 minutes. Pour mixture through a fine mesh sieve and discard the tea and spices. Add honey, maple syrup or agave to taste.
