
Celebrate Fair Trade: Alaffia


The Co-op prides itself on sourcing items which utilize fair trade practices whenever possible. This means that we can ensure workers are paid a fair wage, that they work in clean and safe conditions and that the environment is treated with care. Founded in 2003, Alaffia is a US-based company that focuses on women's empowerment, community development and the cooperative model. They utilize traditional methods for harvesting shea nuts and turning them into shea butter which is used in a variety of skincare products. To learn more about Alaffia, their practices and empowerment projects visit

Beet Read: Fair Food: Growing a Healthy, Sustainable Food System for All


Written by Rachel Caudill, Good Food Book Club Volunteer Coordinator

Join us in reading the May Co-op Good Food Book Club book, Fair Food: Growing a Healthy, Sustainable Food System for All(2011) by Oran B. Hesterman.The Book Club will meet Sunday, June 1, from 7:00-8:30 at a member’s private residence to discuss Fair Food. Email for more information and directions.

With May’s newsletter theme being “Fair Trade” we could hardly pick a better book to read for this month’s Book Club. Publisher’s Weekly says, “Intended as a practical guide for community food activists who want to take the locavore movement across race, class, and city lines, this book illuminate ways in which consumers can become ‘engaged citizens.’ Especially important (and rare) is Hesterman's willingness to work constructively with corporate giants like Costco and the Kellogg Foundation….The dedication to social justice is clear, genuine, and logically argued as a food issue. A helpful and hefty final chapter of ‘Resources’ provides readers with a comprehensive national listing of organizations to join, support, or replicate.”

Written by the President and CEO of Fair Food Network Oran B. Hesterman, Fair Food reminds us that, as consumers, making conscious food choices is not enough anymore.  His aim is nothing less than to galvanize eaters to action: action to solve and heal a widespread crisis in food justice that impacts poverty, hunger, race, and class, as well as countless animals and the land we all depend on. As is becoming clear in areas such as the climate crisis, his overarching point is that individual change is not enough, we need systemic policy change. And he shows us how to do it.

The New York Times says Hesterman “displays a wide-ranging knowledge of production, consumption, natural resources and public policy. He also writes about reform efforts with contagious energy and palpable authority...this is an important, accessible book on a crucial subject. Food for thought and action.”

Please join us to discuss Fair Food: Growing a Healthy, Sustainable Food System for All(2011) by Oran B. Hesterman, June 1 (in respect of Memorial Day Weekend on the previous Sunday) from 7:00-8:30 pm. Remember to email for the meeting location and directions and/or to receive email reminders about the Good Food Book Club. Fair Food by Oran B. Hesterman is available through your local library.  If you are interested in buying the book, check out the area’s local used book stores or visit Book People of Moscow where Book Club members receive a discount. For more information about the Good Food Book Club, check out the Outreach section of the Co-op website at