
How-To: Plant Onion Sets


Even though the weather is wonky, it's a great time to get your onions in the ground! Not only do we have onion sets available in the store for $2.99 each, but they are local and come from Ellensburg, WA.  Here are some easy tips:

  1. Onions grow best in full sunlight or partial shade and need good drainage.
  2. Mix a two-inch layer of compost into the soil before planting.
  3. Set plants 1-2 inches deep, making sure that they are well covered, but that their necks are above the soil.
  4. Place plants 6 inches apart.
  5. Onions roots are pretty shallow and not very efficient at taking up moisture, so they need a steady supply of water. Although they can recover from drought and start growing again when watered, it's best to keep the soil consistently moist until the bulbs grow.
  6. You can harvest onions early (just a few weeks after planting) if you want scallions or "spring onions.
  7. Onions can be harvested when the bulbs are big and the tops are yellow or have fallen over.
  8. Pull them out of the dirt and let them cure, with the tops still attached, in a warm space with good air flow.
  9. Let them cure for 7-10 days, until the roots dry out.
  10. Enjoy!

Kids in the Kitchen: Confetti Rice


Confetti makes everything more fun! And the best thing about confetti rice is that you won't be picking up tiny pieces of paper from the floor, out of your hair, down your shirt-- you know the drill. The great thing about this recipe (if you can even call it that) is that it's an interactive way to get your kiddos (or significant other) to eat their veggies. Simply cook up whichever kind of rice you prefer (or quinoa), chop/slice/steam your family's favorite veggies and then let then assemble. You can also top with soy sauce, tamari, seasoned salt or whatever you fancy.